Macro Technology Group
— the IT factor in your business
You’ve got enough to worry about when it comes to running a successful business. Now add cybersecurity threats, software upgrades and tech support to the list. You need to outsource but how and to whom?
At Macro Technology Group, we make IT our business. As a managed IT services provider, our team of techsperts is trusted by leading U.S. businesses to handle all aspects of their tech infrastructure. And we can do it for you.

Our clients know we’re in IT for all the right reasons.
… hear it straight from them!
Who we are
— without the risk
You want a provider who’s behind the scenes. You won’t see client logos flash across our website or our founders’ names in the spotlight. We’ll never risk a security breach but we’re always happy to put you in touch with clients who can vouch for us.
— and responsive
With new, more sophisticated threats emerging every day, you need a team that stays ahead of it all through proactive monitoring, research and software vetting. And in the event of a cyber attack, you want a team that responds quickly and effectively. That’s us.
— and service-minded
Whether you have 50 employees, 1500, or even more, you need a provider that can handle it. We can serve as support for an existing IT department or step in as your full-service team. Our full range of services are always customized to your needs.
Macro Technology Group
All of IT and so much more
Get in touch with us